An Asset
is any piece of content in an Unreal Engine project.
Check if a file exists on a disk
#include "HAL/PlatformFileManager.h" // Core
* Check whether a file exists on the disk
* @param FilePath The path of targeted file, e.g. "C:/Temp/MyFile.txt"
* @param OutInfoMsg Help for action's result
* @return The string content of the file
static bool DoesFileExist(FString FilePath, FString& OutInfoMsg);
bool UExampleClass::DoesFileExist(FString FilePath, FString &OutInfoMsg)
bool bFileExist = FPlatformFileManager::Get().GetPlatformFile().FileExists(*FilePath);
if(!bFileExist) OutInfoMsg = FString::Printf(TEXT("Error: No File found at: '%s'"), *FilePath);
return bFileExist;
Open and Close Assets With C++ (Editor only)
Open an editor window for the desired Asset
#include "Kismet/BlueprintFunctionLibrary.h" // Engine
* Editor Only - Will not work in packaged build.
* Open an editor window for the desired Asset
* @param Asset Asset to open the editor window for
* @param bOutSuccess If the action was a success or not
* @param OutInfoMsg More information about the action's result
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Alex Quevillon - Open Asset")
static void OpenAssetWindow(UObject* Asset, bool& bOutSuccess, FString& OutInfoMsg);
#include "UnrealEdGlobals.h" // UnrealEd (Editor Only)
#include "Subsystems/AssetEditorSubsystem.h" // UnrealEd (Editor Only)
void UExampleClass::OpenAssetWindow(UObject* Asset, bool& bOutSuccess, FString& OutInfoMsg)
// Validate Asset
if (Asset == nullptr)
bOutSuccess = false;
OutInfoMsg = FString::Printf(TEXT("Open Asset Window Failed - Asset is not valid."));
// Get Subsystem
UAssetEditorSubsystem* AssetEditorSubsystem = GEditor ? GEditor->GetEditorSubsystem<UAssetEditorSubsystem>() : nullptr;
if (AssetEditorSubsystem == nullptr)
bOutSuccess = false;
OutInfoMsg = FString::Printf(TEXT("Open Asset Window Failed - Asset Editor Subsystem is not valid."));
// Open Window
bOutSuccess = AssetEditorSubsystem->OpenEditorForAsset(Asset);
OutInfoMsg = FString::Printf(TEXT("Open Asset Window %s"), *FString(bOutSuccess ? "Succeeded" : "Failed"));
if (Target.bBuildEditor == true)
new string[]
// Required Modules
Close the editor window that is open for the desired Asset
#include "Kismet/BlueprintFunctionLibrary.h" // Engine
* Editor Only - Will not work in packaged build.
* Close the editor window that is open for the desired Asset
* @param Asset Asset to close the editor window for
* @param bOutSuccess If the action was a success or not
* @param OutInfoMsg More information about the action's result
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Alex Quevillon - Open Asset")
static void CloseAssetWindow(UObject* Asset, bool& bOutSuccess, FString& OutInfoMsg);
#include "UnrealEdGlobals.h" // UnrealEd (Editor Only)
#include "Subsystems/AssetEditorSubsystem.h" // UnrealEd (Editor Only)
void UExampleClass::CloseAssetWindow(UObject* Asset, bool& bOutSuccess, FString& OutInfoMsg)
// Validate Asset
if (Asset == nullptr)
bOutSuccess = false;
OutInfoMsg = FString::Printf(TEXT("Close Asset Window Failed - Asset is not valid."));
// Get Subsystem
UAssetEditorSubsystem* AssetEditorSubsystem = GEditor ? GEditor->GetEditorSubsystem<UAssetEditorSubsystem>() : nullptr;
if (AssetEditorSubsystem == nullptr)
bOutSuccess = false;
OutInfoMsg = FString::Printf(TEXT("Close Asset Window Failed - Asset Editor Subsystem is not valid."));
// Close Window
int QuantityAssetClosed = AssetEditorSubsystem->CloseAllEditorsForAsset(Asset);
bOutSuccess = QuantityAssetClosed > 0;
OutInfoMsg = FString::Printf(TEXT("Close Asset Window %s"), *FString(bOutSuccess ? "Succeeded" : "Failed"));
if (Target.bBuildEditor == true)
new string[]
// Required Modules
Get all the assets that have an editor window open for them
#include "Kismet/BlueprintFunctionLibrary.h" // Engine
* Editor Only - Will not work in packaged build.
* Get all the assets that have an editor window open for them
* @param bOutSuccess If the action was a success or not
* @param OutInfoMsg More information about the action's result
* @return Assets that are open
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Alex Quevillon - Open Asset")
static TArray<UObject*> GetAllAssetsWithOpenedWindow(bool& bOutSuccess, FString& OutInfoMsg);
#include "UnrealEdGlobals.h" // UnrealEd (Editor Only)
#include "Subsystems/AssetEditorSubsystem.h" // UnrealEd (Editor Only)
TArray<UObject*> UExampleClass::GetAllAssetsWithOpenedWindow(bool& bOutSuccess, FString& OutInfoMsg)
// Get Subsystem
UAssetEditorSubsystem* AssetEditorSubsystem = GEditor ? GEditor->GetEditorSubsystem<UAssetEditorSubsystem>() : nullptr;
if (AssetEditorSubsystem == nullptr)
bOutSuccess = false;
OutInfoMsg = FString::Printf(TEXT("Get All Assets With Opened Window Failed - Asset Editor Subsystem is not valid."));
return TArray<UObject*>();
// Get Opened Assets
TArray<UObject*> Assets = AssetEditorSubsystem->GetAllEditedAssets();
bOutSuccess = true;
OutInfoMsg = FString::Printf(TEXT("Get All Assets With Opened Window Succeeded"));
return Assets;
if (Target.bBuildEditor == true)
new string[]
// Required Modules