Backing Up RouterOS and Restoring from Backup on a Mikrotik Router

How to Create a Backup of the Current RouterOS Configuration

  • Navigate to the Files section
  • Open the save window by clicking on the Backup button
    • Name: Choose the name for the backup file, typically "RouterIdentifier_date"
    • Don't Encrypt: Choose whether you want the file to be encrypted or not
      • Password: Password for decryption
      • Encryption: Encryption method
    • After clicking the Backup button in the Files section, the backup file will appear.
    • Download your created backup file by clicking on the Download button.

How to Restore RouterOS Settings from a Backup

  • Navigate to the Files section
  • Use the Choose File button from the Upload menu to select and upload the backup file.
  • Click on your uploaded backup file.
    • In the file window, click on the Restore button.
    • Confirm the restoration