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Virtual simulations for production optimization.

Are you considering changes and innovations in production, warehousing, logistics or service systems? We can help you analyse the implications of these changes before you make them. This will help you avoid bad management decisions.

We will convert your vision into an accurate (digital-twin) 3D model working with real data. Within the dynamic simulation we will reveal bottlenecks, errors and inefficiencies of the system. We will use these insights to tune the most efficient variation of the system.

Associated simulations

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Benefits of dynamic simulation

  • Uncovering bottlenecks

    We run several experiments in the 3D model to reveal the bottlenecks in the system. We will then identify the causes and create an action plan for corrective measures.

  • Identifying the effects of product changes

    Are you planning to make product changes in the form of modifications, extensions, customizations or component replacements? Let us tell you how these changes will affect your current production flow before you implement them.

  • Verification and design of new systems

    Are you making changes to the layout of the production area or designing a completely new one? We will create a simulation for all layouts and measure which is the most ideal for you.

  • Shift planning tool

    Do you have dynamic production with variable input parameters? We'll create a parametric model that will help you determine the optimal number of resources, materials and workers per shift.

  • Simulation of critical scenarios

    What can go wrong will go wrong. Shortages of workers, materials, machine breakdowns or sudden errors in production. Through models, we will find out the impact of specific situations and how to minimize them by proper flow reallocation.

  • Optimisation of production technologies

    Choice of technologies and resources in optimal balance to the needs of current and future production. Elimination of waste through proper flow and process setup. Continuously monitoring and responding to current needs.

What do you work with in dynamic simulations?

The dynamic simulation model reflects the flow of products through the process chain while incorporating space and time. Within the simulation, the specific state of individual products and operators in the entire process chain is always known. The dynamically generated data during the simulation reveals the efficiency of the individual nodes of the system.

  • Workspace

    The simulation model reflects the actual placement and distances of the system elements. It usually consists of a plan drawing of the space augmented with the location of technology, materials, personnel and other resources.

  • Data inputs

    The flow of products through the model is driven by real data or qualified estimates. Operational times, tasks, transport and processing methods correspond to real-world realities.

  • Simplified visuals

    Simplified technology visuals are used to speed up the creation of simulations. All processes are visually obvious. The functions and properties of the overall system are always preserved.

  • Relative time

    Processes can be simulated in a specific time, both accelerated and decelerated. System behaviour and efficiency can be simulated over long time horizons as well as short externalities.

By linking space, data and the time function in the process flow model, the so-called Digital Twin of the real system is created. The digital model allows running any test and a comprehensive view of the consistency associated with individual inputs and processes.

What do you need to know to create a dynamic simulation that provides valid results?

  • Process qualification

    It is essential to have all processes and flows described. Know the consequences and inputs. Scenarios of what states can occur.

  • 71.list

    Needs and requirements

    It is necessary to know what you want to achieve. What problem to solve, or which specific processes to verify.

How is the dynamic simulation created?

  1. Comprehensive analysis of current status, understanding of processes, flows and needs.
  2. In cooperation with a knowledgeable person, a basic layout of the system is created.
  3. Application of dynamic simulation - determining the efficiency and revealing the problems of the newly designed system.
  4. Tuning the system to minimize waste and maximize efficiency.

What software do you use for the simulations?

  • FlexSim

    All-in-one simulation software

  • MySql

    Open-source relational SQL database.

  • Express JS

    Framework for creating web applications and APIs

Demonstration of work in Flexsim software (in Czech language)

Data-driven decision making

„Digital simulation allows you to test everything virtually and thus avoid costly errors and delays.“

We create dynamic simulations using specialized tools and our own components selected on the basis of needs. In doing so, we always aim to achieve the highest cost benefit . We will be happy to help you with everything.

Contact us
Consultant, Olomouc, Czechia